Tool to manage and generate simpler safety and hygiene inspections with SHP Group inspections, no more paper.
It allows to carry out the different inspections generated from custom form, either to carry out a specific inspection or to leave a meeting minutes, in a few minutes the activity is created, the form is completed and ready. This application allows you to leave the activity or form on site, which decreases the office time necessary to assemble these documents.
The application allows:
• Complete forms.
• Generate reports of scheduled activities with unlimited photos.
• Create and generate the reports of activities out of schedule.
• Visualize your activities in a schedule.
In conjunction with the web you can create your clients and sites, generate customized forms according to the activity, create schedules and associate the activities with the different responsible parties.
This platform as a whole, allows you to carry out a follow-up of all the activities developed in your company, giving you greater control of what has been done and a better experience for your client.